Wednesday, September 8, 2021

RESEARCH - What is a trailer?

I have started further researching trailers on the FDA Teaching Trailers online course. 

Before completeing the worksheet, I watched the 'Booksmart' trailer to consider what is a trailer. 

Last year, I studied the film industry. I learnt about how Hollywood majors and UK independant films created different marketing campains to reach and engage their audiences. A film marketing campain may cover many different ways in which the film's 'message' is presented to potential audiences. 

what do you think the major elements of a film marketing campaign? The marketing campaign for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, covered a huge spread, directing focus to loyal fans of the franchise on a global scale. The Star Wars website included convergent links to social media, merchendise, film formats such as DVD and BluRay, movie trailers and posters, along with news and blog posts. 

where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campain? Film trailers are shown in cinemas and on TV, online (film trailers) websites with convergent links to social media and YouTube; blog posts made by 'influencers', cast and fans; TV and chat show interveiws, newspaper reports and features; posters; film radio shows; magazine reveiws.

what factors make you decide to go see a film? what type of films do you see? Trailers are what grab me first, I am heavily influenced by trailers that I see in the cinema, as they are directed at the target audience I am apart of. I am also influenced by social media marketing and positive critic reviews.

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MAIN TRAILER  TEASER TRAILER Charlotte Coppellotti 1812 I worked with Jess Foster 1820, Ellie Smart 1859 and Millie Wyatt 1874. We created a...