Friday, September 17, 2021


 Trailers are usually shown during the time in which the film is still being edited 


Toy story 4 is a sequel, which creates nostalgia, it is a heart-warming film, familiarity of the older characters, and introducton of new characters, making children excited to see their old favourite characters again. Made clear by the memorable theme 'You've Got A Friend In Me'. 
Little Bo Peep is appealing for young girls as she has the opposite character trope of a damsel in distress, she is a strong female character - which shows her charcter development from the first few films. Adding comedic effect to Bo's character is her raspy voice, which seeminly doesn't fit her look.
Boys will be attracted to the strong main charcaters of Woody and Buzz lightlear. Tom Hanks also voices Woody, adding attraction as he has a reasuring, velvety voice. 
The animation will attract slightly older audiences as it is extremly detailed. The Beach Boys song 'God Only Knows' takes feature in the trailer, making it appealing to the parental aspect of the film, as it is an older, feel-good summer song, which is when the film would have been released. Summer is the perfect time to release a feel-good film which features a summer vacation. The diologue reflects this 'wwere going to create happy memories which last for the rest of our lives'. 

For audiences which are fans of the beatles and older band, including the songs from the Beatles. The title 'Yesterday' would remind audiences of the song name. Released in summer, showing scenes of festivals, where live music is played. This would appeal to young audiences as younger people are more likely to go to these live festivals, and creates a feel-good summer vibe, making the audience feel as if they are present in the film. Lily James and Ed Sheeran, James Corden are big names which all make and appearence in the trailer. This would attract audiences who are fans of these celebrities. The trailer includes an example of the film's humour, as the parents gets the name of the track wrong, having a comedic effect as 'Let It Be' is a significant song from the Beatles. There is also an aspect of romance in the film, which would appeal to audiences who enjoy the rom-com genre - fans of Love Actually may be attracted to the film as the trailer shows an intertitle which states that this film has the same writer as Love Actually. 

Political film and a documentry, target audience is adults, specifically american adults who want to
understand their history. Right-wing audiences would be attracted to the film as it is about the right-wing polocies, however, other audiences may be attracted to the film as the trailers makes the audience feel as though watching the film, will let them in on other secrects or information they weren't aware of before. The film creates a 'fly on the wall' vibe where the director chose to observe instead of interigate. The trailer doesn't seem to create enough of a buzz, as it doesn't ask any tough questions, or challenge, making a type of climax for the film. In this trailer, we don't see that. Frost/Nixon is a film which immediatly intrests audiences with the idea of exposing the truth. 

1 comment:

  1. TOY STORY You sum up the film's appeal through its nostalgia for parents, its feel-good summer holiday narratives, the presence of a strong central female role model and its familiarity as a sequel. Smoothly summarised.
    YESTERDAY You correctly acknowledge the summer festival vibe of this film as well as the powerful draw of both The Beatles and the star guest appearances.
    THE BRINK In class, you read film critics from The Guardian and The Observer which helped frame your understanding of the film and led you to the conclusion that the film was more 'fly-on-the-wall' in approach than challenging.



MAIN TRAILER  TEASER TRAILER Charlotte Coppellotti 1812 I worked with Jess Foster 1820, Ellie Smart 1859 and Millie Wyatt 1874. We created a...